Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Absolutely Unique

If you've spoken to me or read this blog recently, you'll know that I'm a huge fan of Tim Ferriss. I even follow the guy on Twitter... and this is where I saw one of the boldest statements in Web 2.0 history. Check out the following screen shot:

In a world where imitation is commonplace, mentors are sacred, and internet ego is considered unnecessary, Ferriss tells us that 14,757 people are following him and he could care less about the reciprocation. I think it's awesome. But you decide for yourself.


Anonymous said...

Twitter is so informal that I never felt the need to recipro-follow.

Anonymous said...

Don't you think such an imbalance suggests that he's only interested in his own opinion? I mean, there isn't one person in the world of twitter he considers worth listening to? I'd call it closed-mindedness before I'd call it awesome.

Zaid Rasid said...

I don't think he's trying to say he doesn't care about people. On his own blog he is in dialogue with a lot of people that leave comments. He's probably doing two things:

1) Standing out so that guys like you and I notice and think, damn that's kinda cool (unique).

2) Avoiding the information overload of having a Twitter feed of 14,000 randoms posting about god knows what, every other millisecond. If you read Tim Ferris then you know he's all about cutting out excess. I mean I follow 30 people myself and it's a lot of stuff to keep up with.

Cool post indeed.

Zakir Hemraj said...

I hear what you're saying Zaid. I stopped following Guy Kawasaki because he is the biggest Twitter whore in the world. I swear he had like 20 tweets a day!

Anonymous said...

Yeah.. but Kawasaki admits to being a "smore". And he follows *everyone* who follows him (see tip #4):

Nice pic, Zye! :-)

Zaid Rasid said...

Here is his reasoning from his blog:

'I avoided following people until one month ago, as I didn’t want another inbox (which direct messages or “DMs” produce), and I didn’t want to inadvertently hurt the feelings of acquaintances I might neglect to follow.

Following no one avoided both problems. I elaborate on this approach in a short video here.'

Zak, looks like I was closer to his thinking and you were way off...terribly offf...;)

Zakir Hemraj said...

I tried :P

fnthawar said...

He cracked, he's following 161 people:

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