Thursday, February 28, 2008

Thinovation vs. Functionality

I know everyone has already given their two cents about the new Macbook Air, but I thought I'd jump on the bandwagon as well. When I first saw the ad, my first reaction was basic combination of "No Way!" and "You gotta be kidding me!". But as I took a closer look, I started to notice how stripped down this thing actually is. No Ethernet, no built-in CD ROM, and no exchangeable battery. "But it's so damn sexy," you say. Yeah, that may be true, but how functional do you think it can actually be?
  1. I still use CDs for many things, and I'm sure a lot of other people do too. The external CD ROM just wouldn't cut it for me.
  2. No Ethernet? I have a Computer Engineering degree and I still have trouble with my wireless network. Until wireless internet can actually prove itself to be as stable as wired internet, I will not settle.
  3. The battery on my Dell laptop only lasted about 1.5 years before I had to replace it. I guess this is not really a deal-breaker though.
But regardless, the Macbook Air will still sell millions of units. It's just interesting, and somewhat humorous, that Apple is starting to define what good technology actually is. When they release a product, Steve Jobs tells you that's how it should be designed, and then people listen. Just look at the iPhone. Because of it's ridiculous demand, Apple is probably the first company in history to boss around the telecom industry. Company's are bending over backwards to accommodate for it's bandwidth-whoring needs. Apple has still not given Rogers Wireless permission to sell the phone, because they don't have an unlimited data plan yet.

Before I digress, that is all I really have to say about the Macbook Air. I will leave you with 2 videos. The first is the Macbook Air commercial. The second is the real reason I'm writing this post. It's a parody of the Air commercial, highlighting the "basic" functionality of a Sony Vaio that the Air doesn't have... enjoy :P


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