If you haven't heard of Movember, then you have no idea what you're missing. It's a global fundraising event where men grow their moustaches for the entire month of November. In doing so, they raise money for different charitable organizations that are focused on men's health issues. In Canada, all proceeds from Movember are going to the Prostate Cancer Research Foundation of Canada (PCRFC). In case you didn't see it coming, yours truly is also participating. If you would like to donate - any amount helps - you can visit my MoSpace, where you will also find frequently updated pictures of the stache:
Almost every male (Mo Bro) in my company is participating, and the girls (Mo Sistas) are loving every second of it. In case you're wondering how successful this event is, Movember raised $550,000 in Canada alone in 2007! Who would've thought that a 70s fashion statement could actually make a positive impact on society :P